Spanish Grammar: Direct and indirect object pronouns

In this video about direct and indirect pronouns, you are going to learn how to differentiate the verbs with one direct object from the verbs with two objects, a direct one and another indirect one. It can be so difficult to use adequately the direct and indirect objects in Spanish! Most of the time, the explanations about this are incomplete or they have many mistakes. For example, we usually hear that we have to ask “to whom…? / ¿a quién?” in order to recognize an indirect object, but this rule does not always work:

– Veo a los niños en la playa -¿A quiénes ves en la playa? -A los niños.

Following this rule, “A los niños” seems to be an indirect object, but actually it is not. In Spanish there are direct objects which refer to a person, and above we have an example.

What a mess! So, how do we differentiate when we have to use a direct object or an indirect object? The key is in the verb and its meaning. We distinguish between two kinds of verbs:

+ Verbos de una “patita” (Verbs with one leg): Verbs which according to their meaning, only need one object. For instance: ver (to see), sentir (to feel), vivir (to live), intentar (to try), estudiar (to study)…

+Verbos de dos “patitas” (Verbs with two legs): Verbs which need two objects (something and someone). For instance: dar (to give), ofrecer (to offer)…

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