Category: Spanish class

Activity for the Spanish class: Prepositions with verbs of movement

In this post which is addressed at Spanish teachers and future Spanish teachers I propose an activity that usually works very well in my classes. The aim of this activity is to clear up the students' doubts about the correct use of the prepositions that go with the verbs of movement, one of the Spanish grammar topics that can lead to confusions.

Activity for the Spanish class: The Spanish sayings

Dieser Post richtet sich an Spanischlehrer, die das Thema der Sprichwörter in der spanischen Sprache im Unterricht verwenden möchten. Es ist für eine Konversationsstunde gedacht, in der die Schüler die Gelegenheit haben, die Bedeutung der Sprichwörter zu diskutieren und gemeinsam oder in Kleingruppen herauszufinden.

Aprender español con vídeotutoriales gratuitos

Para ayudaros a aprender español y profundizar vuestros conocimientos o repasar conceptos interesantes que habéis visto en clase creamos la sección de gramática española con videotutoriales y artículos en los cuales nuestras profesoras de español Isabel Medina y María José Carrasco explican temas de gramática. Los temas están organizados según los niveles del Marco Común... Read more »

Category of the ELE-classes (Spanish as a foreign language)

We will post information in this category for Spanish-learners and teachers aho teach Spanish as a foreign language. You’ll find posts from our teachers for: Our current students to review and to practice their skills learned in class. Our former students so they can continue studying even after their course. Our future students so they... Read more »