Adjectives are words that classify, characterize and describe substantive. In Spanish, the normal position of an adjective is behind the noun. However, there are some irregular adjectives which can be located as well in front of the noun. In this Spanish class, you can learn when the adjectives can go in front of the noun… Read more »
Posts Tagged: vídeos para aprender español
Spanish Grammar: Verbs of change (“transformarse and convertirse”)
We know that speaking a foreign language can be difficult, especially uttering those verbs which are extremely similar or the ones which have several meanings. For this reason we want to ease your learning and our native teacher Ana is going to explain the differences between “transformarse” and “convertirse” for the more advanced students. If… Read more »
Offers in the supermarket
Do you know how to buy in Spain? Catch the best offers thanks to the easy explanation of our Spanish teacher Ana, who is going to help us understand the offers in Spanish. Save money in your purchases and misunderstandings in this language, and as a gift you can improve your vocabulary. Academia Pradoventura will… Read more »
Expresions related with the weather in Spanish
Our native teacher Odalis becomes a professional meteorologist and she teaches us how to talk and ask about the weather in Spanish, moreover, she is going to teach us some quite witty sayings while we review the months of the year. Do you want to learn this interesting and important vocabulary? Would you like to… Read more »
Recomendamos la serie Extr@ para aprender español
¿Habéis visto películas en español y no habéis entendido gran parte de lo que dicen porque hablan rápido? Con la serie Extr@ va a ser diferente. Con estos vídeos vais a mejorar vuestra comprensión auditiva en español porque los actores hablan muy despacio y usan el lenguaje no verbal para reforzar lo que dicen. Aquí tenéis el… Read more »