Os deseamos feliz Navidad y que vuestro 2016 sea lleno de salud, felicidad, éxito y amor. Os agradeceros la confianza que habéis depositado en nosotros y los momentos felices que habéis compartido con nosotros durante estos 11 años. Nos alegraría mucho volver a veros en 2016. Este año os felicitamos con esta versión flamenca del… Read more »
Posts Categorized: About the language school
Academia Pradoventura support a project for the conservation of the local natural parks
Collaboration with the environmental association O-Live The team of Academia Pradoventura cares a lot about the environment. That is why we have decided to support the Environmental Association O-Live in its work to integrate sustainable rural development, conservation of biodiversity, applied research and ecotourism in a project to protect and to value… Read more »
Happy 2015! This is how we celebrate New Year’s Eve in Prado del Rey

With this video we thank all the students, colleagues and partners of Academia Pradoventura for being a part of the unvorgettable moments of the last 10 years and we wish you a Happy 2015!!! In the first part you will see an extract of these memories and in the second part you will learn what… Read more »
Conversation class: What would you like to order?
The conversation classes at our Spanish language school are an extra that we give to the participants of the Spanish courses for university students for free once a week. They are a creative space where the students choose the topics they are interested in and the teachers propose interactive activities that give them the opportunity… Read more »
The charity festival on our 10th anniversary was an unforgettable event
The charity festival we celebrated last Saturday, August 23 at the main square of Prado del Rey to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Academia Pradoventura was a success in all senses. The aim of the festival to raise funds for the construction of an old people’s home in Prado del Rey was fulfilled successfully. By selling drinks and the delicious dishes prepared by… Read more »
Everything prepared for the charity party in Prado del Rey
In Prado del Rey everything is prepared for the Charity Party tomorrow 23 August 2014 in favour of an old people’s home. We’re waiting for you! All day from 10:00 am there will be a craft market, a bouncy castle for children, food and drink. The money raised by the sale of food and drink will… Read more »
Interview with our Spanish teacher Marina Castillo
We go on with the interviews that our associates from an agency that represents our courses abroad during their visit. Today it is Marina Castillo’s turn. You can see the interviews with Irene Cañas and Ángeles Guerrero in the previous blog posts. We hope that Marina’s answers and tipps for learning languages are useful for you, whether you have… Read more »
Interview with our Spanish teacher Ángeles Guerrero Tenorio
The second interview that our colleagues from an agency that represents our courses did, was with our Spanish teacher Ángeles Guerrero. Some days ago we published the interview with Irene Cañas and in the next days we will publish the one with Marina Castillo when the translation is ready. We hope that her answers and… Read more »
Interview with our Spanish teacher Irene Cañas Moreno
Our associates from an agency that represents our language school school us came to visit us in Prado del Rey and interviewed our teachers on the occasion of their visit with many interesting questions about teaching Spanish and learning languages and we want to share their answers with you. Some of you readers of the blog know Irene, Ángeles and Marina and their tips will be useful for you. And for the rest of you who do not know them yet, the interviews are certainly helpful for you to get an idea of what to expect in your Spanish at our language school in Prado del Rey.
Is it smarter to travel in groups?
As many of our students come to Prado del Rey by public bus, I know many arguments for and against it, according to the experiences that they tell us.