Spanish Grammar: Future expressions

In the Spanish language we can refer to a future tense in three different ways that do not involve using the simple future. These expressions of the future are: the verbal periphrasis “ir + a + infinitivo”, “querer + infinitivo”, “pensar + infinitivo” and the present indicative. For students of Spanish, it can be a bit difficult to remember how to use one or the other, so our teacher Irene Cañas has recorded a simple video explaining the use of future expressions in Spanish. Here you can watch it and below you will find a table that summarizes her explanation in the video:

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expresiones de futuro

We hope this video helped you to understand how to use these expressions for the future. If you have any questions, just leave us a comment on our blog and we will help you.

See you soon, Spanish grammar fans!

2 Responses to “Spanish Grammar: Future expressions”

  1. Sarita

    Puedo usar “esos días’ en futuro? Por ejemplo si le voy a hablar durante un feriado a una persona. Le puedo decir: En esos días te hablo. Gracias.

    • Academia Pradoventura

      La frase “En esos días te hablo.” es gramaticalmente correcta. Aunque, al menos en España, no se suele decir así. En tu contexto se diría: “Ya te hablo cuando sea la feria.”


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