Pradoventura team organizes an exchange meeting with Spanish people

Last Wednesday, we organized an exchange afternoon, a very interesting experience where the students could speak Spanish with natives. Previously, the students had prepared a list with questions to start the conversation with the people who were participating in the meeting.

The event took place at the viewpoint of Prado del Rey, where we enjoyed the wonderful views of our town. It was a fun event in which participants of all ages were able to exchange ideas and make friends. In addition to the benefit for the pronunciation and listening comprehension, our students could increase their knowledge about Spanish culture, because the people from Prado del Rey told them about typical habits of the area and about regional food. At the same time the Spanish learned about German and English culture.

For the Pradoventura team it was great to see that the activity worked well because the cultural exchange and understanding between different nationalities is an important part of our philosophy.

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