We know that speaking a foreign language can be difficult, especially uttering those verbs which are extremely similar or the ones which have several meanings. For this reason we want to ease your learning and our native teacher Ana is going to explain the differences between “transformarse” and “convertirse” for the more advanced students. If… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Spanish classes
Offers in the supermarket
Do you know how to buy in Spain? Catch the best offers thanks to the easy explanation of our Spanish teacher Ana, who is going to help us understand the offers in Spanish. Save money in your purchases and misunderstandings in this language, and as a gift you can improve your vocabulary. Academia Pradoventura will… Read more »
Expresions related with the weather in Spanish
Our native teacher Odalis becomes a professional meteorologist and she teaches us how to talk and ask about the weather in Spanish, moreover, she is going to teach us some quite witty sayings while we review the months of the year. Do you want to learn this interesting and important vocabulary? Would you like to… Read more »
Spanish Grammar: Direct and indirect object pronouns
In this video about direct and indirect pronouns, you are going to learn how to differentiate the verbs with one direct object from the verbs with two objects, a direct one and another indirect one. It can be so difficult to use adequately the direct and indirect objects in Spanish! Most of the time, the… Read more »
How to introduce yourself in Spanish?
Do you want to meet and greet new people in Spain? Our Spanish teacher Odalis will teach you how to introduce yourselves, and thanks to the questions and answers provided by our students and their teacher, you will be able to introduce yourselves to any Spanish speaking person and get to know new people easily…. Read more »
Spanish grammar: the future
Como sabemos, existen dos tipos de futuro en español: “ir a + infinitivo” y el futuro simple “comeré”. Normalmente, ambos tiempos verbales tienen el mismo valor de posterioridad en las acciones, pero quizá queráis saber qué preferencias existen a la hora de elegir uno u otro. En este tutorial, Tania y Laura explican las formas… Read more »
Spanish grammar: Temporal clauses with cuando/cuándo

In this videotutorial Ángeles explains the correct use of the temporal clauses with the conjunction “cuando/cuándo” and when to use it with indicative and when with subjunctive. She also shows when cuándo is written with an accent and when it goes without an accent.
Spanish grammar: Use of the prepositions por and para

The different uses of the prepositions por and para can be confusing for students who are learning Spanish. In the following video Irene will explain in which case to use por and in which one para. Once you have seen the expanation and examples it won’t be difficult for you to distinguish between these prepositions… Read more »
Conversation class: What would you like to order?
The conversation classes at our Spanish language school are an extra that we give to the participants of the Spanish courses for university students for free once a week. They are a creative space where the students choose the topics they are interested in and the teachers propose interactive activities that give them the opportunity… Read more »
Spanish grammar: Conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense
In a previous post you learned how to use the Spanish regular verbs in the present tense, but like in other languages in Spanish there are irregularities in the verb forms. So now we will see the conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense. In this videotutorial Marina will explain the irregularities, which we… Read more »