Spanish grammar: Conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense

In a previous post you learned how to use the Spanish regular verbs in the present tense, but like in other languages in Spanish there are irregularities in the verb forms. So now we will see the conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense. In this videotutorial Marina will explain the irregularities, which we can divide in four classifications, and give us some hints how to remember them.

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Below you will find a conjugation chart showing what Marina had written on the whiteboard with the forms of the irregular verbs, the hints that Marina mentioned like the “boot” and examples of the different irregularities.

verbos irregulares presente gramática española nivel A1verbos irregulares español gramática nivel A1

There are only two ways of learning how to use the irregular verbs correctly. Learn them by heart or listen and read very much in Spanish. The first way is the quicker one even though not the most fun way.
If you have any questions or queries just leave us a comment and we will help you

Spanish grammar: Conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense

In a previous post you learned how to use the Spanish regular verbs in the present tense, but like in other languages in Spanish there are irregularities in the verb forms. So now we will see the conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense. In this videotutorial Marina will explain the irregularities, which we can divide in four classifications, and give us some hints how to remember them.

Want to keep learning Spanish? Sign up for our fun online classes! For more information click here.

Below you will find a conjugation chart showing what Marina had written on the whiteboard with the forms of the irregular verbs, the hints that Marina mentioned like the “boot” and examples of the different irregularities.

verbos irregulares presente gramática española nivel A1verbos irregulares español gramática nivel A1

There are only two ways of learning how to use the irregular verbs correctly. Learn them by heart or listen and read very much in Spanish. The first way is the quicker one even though not the most fun way.
If you have any questions or queries just leave us a comment and we will help you

Spanish grammar: Possessive pronouns and adjectives

” ¿De quién es el libro?” ” Es mi libro./Es mío.” or “Es tu libro./Es tuyo.”.

In order to not confuse what belongs to whom, it is important to know how to use the possessive adjectives and pronouns, and that’s why this is an important grammar topic in the A1 level. They indicate property and possession and there are two types in Spanish. On the one hand there are the possessive adjectives that are placed in front of the noun and on the other hand there are the possessive pronouns that are placed behind the noun. Both of them always change their ending according to the number of the noun. Only the possessive pronouns additionally change their ending according to the gender of the noun that they refer to.

In the following video, our Spanish teacher Ángeles explains how to use the possessive pronouns, so that at the end “your book” still is “yours”.

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Los posesivos

Attention: “El libro es para mí.” (mí = object pronoun) is spelled with an accent, while “Es mi libro.” (mi = possessive adjective) is spelled without an accent. These two forms are easily confused, even by native Spanish speakers.

We hope this video helps you to understand how to use the possessive pronouns and suggest that you practise their use making up Spanish sentences about possession and propertt. If you have any question or query, just leave a comment and we will help you. Enjoy studying! 😉

Spanish grammar: The conditional clauses II and III

Today we go on with the conditional clauses, an important grammar topic in the B2 level. In the previous video you have learnt about the first conditional, and now it’s time to learn the other two types of conditionals. In this videotutorial Irene will explain the second and third conditional. As usually, you can see the chart with examples that Irene shows on the whiteboard in the picture below. We invite you to download it to practise the use of the conditional. Enjoy watching and learning.

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Spanish conditional clauses how to use second conditional Spanish conditional clauses third conditional

Spanish grammar: The conditional clauses

One of the important topics in the B2 level are the conditional clauses. In Spanish there are three types of conditional clauses and in this videotutorial Irene will explain the use of the first conditional. The other two conditional forms are the subject of the next videos.

Want to keep learning Spanish? Sign up for our fun online classes! For more information click here.

In the following chart you can see how to form the sentences and some examples. Feel free to download it.

Oraciones-condicionales-1 So now it’s time to: practise, practise, practise and soon the conditional clauses won’t be a problem for you. If you have a question please leave us a comment and we will help you.

Spanish grammar: When to use ser and estar

In Spanish there are two verbs to say “to be” and depending on which verb you use, it can change the meaning of the adjective it attends to. So in Spanish it is not the same to say “ser malo” as “estar malo”. On the basis of some examples Marina will explain the different meanings and how to use the verbs ser and estar in combination with the adjectives. In the chart below you can see again the examples that Marina explains in the video.

Want to keep learning Spanish? Sign up for our fun online classes! For more information click here.

Ser and estar change their meaning when used with certain adjectives

We hope we could make it easier for you and now you understand the difference. If you have any question, just leave a comment and we will help you.

See you soon!

How to give your opinion in Spanish

It isn’t always easy to express yourself or give your opinion and less in a foreign language that you’re studying. In the next video Irene will show us how to organise our ideas in 6 simple steps, so it won’t be that difficult to express ourselves.

Want to keep learning Spanish? Sign up for our fun online classes! For more information click here.

This chart will help you to remember the 6 steps. So now it’s your turn to practise with a partner. Choose a topic to discuss  and make some sentences to give your opinion. Enjoy!


The charity festival on our 10th anniversary was an unforgettable event

The charity festival we celebrated last Saturday, August 23 at the main square of Prado del Rey to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Academia Pradoventura was a success in all senses.

mercado artesanal y fiesta benéfica barra de comida y bebida

The aim of the festival to raise funds for the construction of an old people’s home in Prado del Rey was fulfilled successfully. By selling drinks and the delicious dishes prepared by the members of the foundation “María Isabel Rodriguez Peñalver de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen” as well as two raffles, a lot of money was collected for the cause, so that we are now a little bit closer to making our dream of having a home for our elderly come true.


The 25 stands of the craft market created a very plesant atmosphere during the whole the day and the performances of supportive artists attracted a big audience at night. 

Puesto de cestas de esparto en el mercado artesanal en la fiesta benéfica del 10º aniversario de Academia Pradoventura mercado-artesanal-puesto4 alumnos extranjeros en el mercado artesanal de la fiesta benéfica del 10º aniversario de Academia Pradoventura

The first performance was by the comedian Andreu Malafuente from Prado del Rey who started his repertoire of jokes with a funny joke about learning languages. Then the actresses and actors of the theater group “Sin Complejos”, also from Prado del Rey, cheered up the audience with a comedy about different situations in a bar. The musical programme started with the flamenco singer Ana Suárez from Ubrique, who is adored by the people from Prado del Rey because she  is from this village. Accompanied by José Antonio Maza on the guitar, Ana sang joyful songs like Bulerías, Fandagos, Tanguillos, etc. which delighted the Spanish and foreign audience. This performance was followed by the rock group “By the Face” from Zahara de la Sierra who encouraged the assistants to dance to popular punk rock songs and self-composed songs. Finally the entertainer DJ Carlos Merecumbé from Jerez and his dancers were cheering up the people until a little after one o’clock when the festival came to its end.

We would like to thank the members of the foundation for their hard work behind the bar, the artists for participating charitably, the artisans for colaborating and drawing the attention of the audience with their handmade creations, and to all the poeple who helped with the organization of the festival and, of course to the audience from Prado del Rey and the surroundings, the people from the Suryalila yoga reatreat centre, and finally our special thanks go to the team and friends of Academia Pradoventura, who came especially for this evening, arrived earlier to their course or extended their stay. All of you made this festival an unforgettable event.

These are the lines that the newspaper “La Voz de Cádiz” dedicated to the event.

Here we show you the recordings of the performances:

Presentation of the programme and thank you message

Performance of the comedian Andreu Malafuente

Performance of the Theatre Group “Sin Complejos”

Performance of the flamenco singer Ana Suárez with José Antonio Maza on the guitar

Performance of the rock group “By the Face”

After 10 minutes our camera ran out of battery. If someone recorded the rest of the performance, please let us know!

Performance of the entertainer DJ Carlos Merecumbé

As our camera ran out of battery. unfortunately we could not record the last performance.  If someone recorded it, please let us know!

Everything prepared for the charity party in Prado del Rey

In Prado del Rey everything is prepared for the Charity Party tomorrow 23 August 2014 in favour of an old people’s home.  We’re waiting for you!

fiesta benéfica en Prado del Rey

All day from 10:00 am there will be a craft market, a bouncy castle for children, food and drink. The money raised by the sale of food and drink will be for a better future of the elderly. There will be delicious food prepared by the members of the foundation María Isabel Rodriguez Peñalver de Nuestra Señora del Carmen: Canapés, Spanish omelette, fried peppers, gazpacho, etc.

At night we have a varied program of attractive performances:

21:00 – 21:30 Comedian “Andreu Malafuente”
21:30 – 22:30 Theater group “Sin Complejos”
22:45 – 23:30 Flamenco singing and guitar “Ana Suárez and José Antonio Maza”
23:30 – 00:15 “Rock group of the Music School”
00:15 – 01:00 “Dance animation with DJ Carlos Merecumbe”

The newspaper “La Voz de Cádiz” announces the party in today’s edition.

To get further information about the foundation María Isabel Rodríguez Peñalver de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen or to become a member its chairman Juan Mariscal is available on the number +34608857546.

For us organizing this charity party for a better future of the elderly of Prado del Rey and the surrounding villages, on the 10th anniversary of Academia Pradoventura is a wonderful task. We hope that many people come to spend a good day and help with this project.

The descendants of the Sephardies (Spanish Jews) can obtain the Spanish citizenship

The Spanish government approved on Friday the bill amending the Civil Code to grant Spanish citizenship to all descendants of Sephardim (Spanish Jews) who apply for it and certify that status while they may retain the citizenship of their country of origin. The Sephardi Jews were the Jews who lived in Spain before their expulsion during the Reconquest by the Catholic Kings. The Spanish spoken by the Sephardim is known as the “Ladino” language. In the following you can read the article about the new bill in Spanish as a reading comprehension exercise. Below the article there is a video where you can read and listen to the Ladino language. It sounds very similar to today’s Spanish but conserves old castilian words. We hope you enjoy it.

Sefardies nacionalidad españolapa


“El Consejo de Ministros ha dado luz verde y remite al Parlamento el proyecto de Ley de modificación del Código Civil para conceder la nacionalidad española a los judíos sefardíes originarios de España que justifiquen tal condición y su especial vinculación con el país y sin necesidad de renunciar a su anterior nacionalidad.

La vicepresidenta del Gobierno, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, ha indicado en la rueda de prensa posterior al Consejo de Ministros, que los apellidos pertenecientes al linaje sefardí se valorarán como elemento adicional y que se exigirá la superación de una prueba de conocimientos de cultura española que será diseñada por el Instituto Cervantes. Estarán excluidos de realizar esta prueba los solicitantes que procedan de países donde el español sea idioma oficial.

También se valorará la realización de estudios de historia y cultura española así como las actividades benéficas a favor de personas o instituciones de España.

 La condición de sefardí y la vinculación con España serán estimadas por un notario que remitirá su conclusión a la dirección general de los registros y del notariado que será quien decida “de forma motivada” si se concede o deniega la solicitud.

Entre las pruebas, se admitirá la presentación de un certificado expedido por la secretaría general de la Federación de Comunidades Judías de España (FCJE), por el presidente o cargo análogo de la comunidad judía donde resida el solicitante, o por la autoridad rabínica competente; el idioma familiar; la partida de nacimiento o el certificado matrimonial que conste según las tradiciones.

El proyecto de ley cita además la inclusión de la ascendencia en la lista de familias sefardíes protegidas por España al que hace referencia el decreto ley de 29 de diciembre de 1948 o de los que obtuvieron la nacionalidad con el decreto de 20 diciembre de 1924 y el parentesco de consanguinidad del solicitante.

  La solicitud deberá hacerse en castellano en la plataforma electrónica que se habilitará para ello y los interesados tendrán que abonar una tasa de 75 euros, más reducida que la que cobran países como Reino Unido, Países Bajos o Alemania, según ha indicado Sáenz de Santamaría. Los interesados deberán formalizar su solicitud en un plazo no superior a tres años desde la entrada en vigor de la ley.

Además, la plataforma electrónica albergará en las próximas semanas el resto de procedimientos de adquisición de la nacionalidad, lo cual contribuirá a acortar los plazos actuales de tramitación y a incrementar la seguridad del procedimiento. Esta norma fue propuesta de forma conjunta por los Ministerios de Justicia y Asuntos Exteriores.”


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